Revolt of the island of pleasureHigh Priestess : Dido's big! You think that's still not gonna cook for you is not it? The other priestesses
: Why not the dishes! Clean! Slippers!
High Priestess, Go Wind!

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Bear 1: What did you learn in abstinence-only class today?Bear 2: First the teacher passed around a rose and had us each take off a petal. Then she said the rose was now like someone who has had sex before marriage. They lose their beauty and value.
B1: Hmm. Well that is a little troubling.
B2: Then she told us that having sex is like reaching into a bag of candy where some of it has been chewed and spit back into the bag. Who would ever want used candy?
B1: Really? Someone who has had sex is the same as partially chewed and spit out candy?
B2: That is what we learned. Then she told us to imagine a really gross toothbrush that a lot of people have used. If you have sex, you’re the toothbrush.
B1: That is awful.
B2: The next thing is the speaker gave me a sign that said virgin. Then she had everyone spit in a cup. She passed me the cup.
B1: No please don’t say it.
B2: Then she asked me to drink the spit.
B1: No no no, why, why would anyone do this.
B2: She Said That Is What Is Like Losing Your Virginity.
B1: Like drinking a cup of Other People's spit?
B2: Yes.
Translation lowest
What Did You Learn in abstinence-only class today?Today We had a special lesson Called "Relationships." The speaker told us a story about a prince and a maiden. A dragon is attacking the maiden’s home, and the prince tries to slay it. The maiden suggests he uses a rope instead of a sword. He does. He kills the dragon. Then another dragon attacks. The maiden suggests he uses poison this time. He does. But he’s mad about all the suggestions. He leaves the princess for another maiden who doesn’t know anything about dragon-slaying. So we learned not to ask like the first maiden, because too many suggestions will drive a guy away.
I don’t think I understand. Let’s try this again. So the dragon is attacking?
It is an emergency situation in a clearly dragon0infested countryside.
So the princess shares her ideas about it.
That’s right.
And the prince – he leaves her.
Yes. She ruined his confidence and made him feel ashamed.
By suggesting other ways of killing dragons.
What if she was just worried about his safety? What if she just wanted to prevent damage to his sword? What if she had done read some studies on the most effective dragon-slaying methods?
We didn’t really get into that.
Come to think of it, the maiden seems to really know a lot about dragon-slaying. Why couldn’t she slay the dragon herself? Why isn’t she better off without the prince anyway if he’s so threatened by her ideas? Did you class talk about that?
Not really, just that he was happier with the other maiden.
Right, the girl who has no ideas.
None that she tells the prince anyway.
Does the prince talk to the first maiden about her suggestions made him feel?
No, he just sent off with The Other maiden.
And the lesson That Girl "should not WAS Many of Their share ideas Because They Will scare off princes.
That's What the speaker Told Us.
Summary: It tells them the story of a prince and a young woman. A dragon attacks the house of the girl. The prince decides to slay with his sword. The girl suggests that instead uses a rope and it works. Another dragon arrives and this time she suggests the use of poison, which he did. Yet he gets angry and leaves the girl to join with another "who knows nothing the dragon hunt . So they learn not to ask too many questions or make suggestions, because it scares people. The prince chooses the one that has no idea, because the other the ashamed and made him lose his confidence. (It's funny, it reminds me of a masculinist discourse surrounding ... not to name him.)
I do not want children!
There is hardly a fifty years, it was almost unthinkable to hear that statement. Today, the wonderful speech of "equality already there" likes to brag that Quebec is a country where women's rights are a central value. Most people think that with the methods of contraception and the withdrawal of the church women were able to obtain full control over their reproduction (of course if you forget the sporadic attempts of anti-choice to open the debate on abortion and the lack of information given to young girls on all methods of contraception and their effects) But what about the right not to want children and without being judged. In a world that tells us plenty of maternal instinct and increase the birth rate (to ensure the survival of "Quebec" ...), I wonder what saw a woman who claims not to want children. In short, what is the reaction to the statement: I do not want kids ...
I am amused to "test" phrase in my daily life and observe the reactions.
I also noticed that everyday there are a lot of comments that assume that all women will have children and we all become mothers sooner or later. Yet these remarks deny the fact that part of the population have no children in their lifetime. My little experiment made me realize there was more pressure and prejudices that I thought about women who do not want children.
On this I leave you with a little reflection you for a family is what?
Can a couple without children is a family?
Do you expect a person without children is carried out as someone with children?
"As a teenager, Leblanc Stevens knew he was gay. At the time, this usually meant sexual abandon the idea of starting a family. "It's a grief that I never wanted to do," he says. At 40, Stevens and her husband Lawrence have decided to begin steps to adopt a child, then another. On two occasions, their adoption requests the bank of mixed the DPJ have been extremely well received and they easily succeeded in adopting two toddlers: Frieda, then aged two months and Jules, who was only a few days.
to see and do see people around you "
" A child is simple, it needs love and limits. It needs to be loved and to be guided, says the psychiatrist. In general, children being raised by heterosexual or same-sex families, we saw no difference in child development. By cons, there are some studies that have shown that children raised in LGBT families fared even better than those of heterosexual families. A recent U.S. study has even shown that children raised by a couple of lesbians developed more social skills and academic than the average American children. Dr. Igartua explains these differences by the fact that lesbians who choose to have children actually do so by choice, never by accident, and they realize their family lives when they can afford to do so. "If these children do better than average, perhaps because they have parents who have more resources than the average. "
"Born in Le Mans with a musician father, Claire Gibault recites his career at the Conservatory as evidence:" At 4 years I started music theory, piano at age 5, violin at 7 years, 10 years of music room, and 13 years conducting. "The only woman in the course of conducting" it feels a little disdain. But the comrades contemptuous change of opinion when it receives the first prize Release ...
Things get trickier when the young woman faces the labor market in this environment where "all the items related to power and glory are held by men." An opera gives him his chance: the Lyon . Again, even with the support of the team, he must win. "Some people reacted violently to my appointment, refused to play under the direction of a woman. When I walked among the musicians to get to my desk, I sometimes hear things very uncomfortable on my way. "
"For my part, things are positive, Laurence acknowledges Equilbey, conductor and founder of Accentus. But the concerts led by women are rare. Just browse through the programs of the major French orchestras: no woman announced for the 2010-2011 season. Set at least one or two women per year to me seem indispensable! Women are virtually absent from the direction of public cultural facilities, with the exception of the dance world. The world of classical music is still conservative in the matter. I would like to reach a better balance between men and women in key positions in the public cultural sphere. "