I did a little Find this week an entire web page on female hair . There are a lot of content, articles on just about anything that affects the subject: The usefulness of
hair hair removal women in recent history
The hair of women in the media
Free will and The influence of social pressure images
Teens and hairy women
Women who do not pluck
and more!
short of beautiful material scattered evidence that food for thought.
Some excerpts from various articles:
(PF refers pubescent female)
and finally a bonus u do video Life on the girl about the hair! old and find the topic that I talk about here: The Joys hair removal
hair hair removal women in recent history
The hair of women in the media
Free will and The influence of social pressure images
Teens and hairy women
Women who do not pluck
and more!
short of beautiful material scattered evidence that food for thought.
Some excerpts from various articles:
(PF refers pubescent female)
11. The attraction for the hairless body
[...] Everyone has heard of "Vagina Monologues" by Eve Ensler, here's an excerpt that demonstrates the intransigence and selfishness of a man who prefers the shaved pubis, it is not away from sadism.
can not love a vagina if you do not like hair. Many people do not like them. My first and only husband hated them. He said it was a mess. It was dirty. He made me shave my vagina. He looked bloated, naked like a little girl. My husband, it excited him. When we made love, my vagina felt what it must feel a beard. It was good that the skyscraper, and painful at the same time. Like when you scratch a mosquito bite. It looked like he was on fire. It was bloody red bumps. I refused to shave again.
Then my husband had an affair. When we did couples therapy, he said he would look elsewhere because I refused to satisfy him sexually. (...) Why I did not meet my husband? I told him that I thought was strange. I felt like a little girl when I had hair down, there. I could not stop talking with a baby voice, the skin was irritated and there was no cream nothing. She said that marriage was a compromise. I asked him if the act of shaving my vagina would prevent my husband to go elsewhere (...).
This time, when we returned home, it was he who shaved my vagina. It was as if the therapy had earned a good point. He made a few slashes, and there was some blood in the bathtub. He did not even notice, he was so happy shaving me. Then later, when he pressed against me, I felt her hair, piercing as thorns in my vagina swollen. There had no protection. No fleece.
That's when I realized that the hairs have a rationale - that the leaf around the flower garden around the house. You have to love hair in order to love vaginas. You can not have one without the other. Also, my husband never stopped to look elsewhere. [...]
15. Free will and influence of images
[...] For those who invoke freedom of choice, here's a hypothetical situation that will reflect.
Say you have a rash (inflammation) in an armpit. The dermato prohibits shaving or waxing but it's summer and you have booked in a hotel. There are 3 solutions.
1) You cancel your holiday
2) You go but you stay in t-shirt-sleeved
3) You assume your hair as you mock the eyes of others
If you choose option 1 or 2, c ' is that you look at the eyes of others, you admit the force of things you're not free to choose.
If you choose to take, you have a "good" reason to keep your hair, a medical problem. But do you think those / those who will treat you yeti think for a moment that you can not remove hair? Where is the choice in this case? [...]
17. Point of view Feminist
What offends me is that we tell a woman she fails if it does not epilating. I think the truth when she fails to leave the diktats of the beauty of the rights to his body. [...]
16. Social pressure
[...] Always on the blog of Helen, a humorous comment from 2006 that shows that social pressure is permanent and makes them want laser hair removal
Indeed, I would also be ready to give one month's salary in order:
- wear skirts without asking me if I have time to shave legs before going to work.
- graciously accept a dip without saying "and m. .. I can not, I'm not shaved"
- not seeing my hair growth (under the skin or not)
- not seeing my hair short, moreover ...
- make no more buttons and / or black dots when I have hair that grows back
- no longer bite the bullet at the beautician (well, okay, I do not go often, but still)
- do tell me more "and m. .., I forgot to m'epiler mustache", running catch my metro. [...]
7. FP in the media (excluding cinema)
[...] Here is the report a sequence of a show on NRJ, one evening in 2006.
A guy twenty years (A1) phone to complain about "the enormous tuft" (sic) of his girlfriend and asked how to convince her to pluck.
The main facilitator named Michael was 24 years (M), there are 2 other animators and animation. I call them or NRJG NRJF (for girls). Other listeners (A2, A3) and a call girl (AF)
A1: I have a problem, my girlfriend has a huge tuft between her thighs, I think it's ugly but I love her and I want her
M: you have never spoken?
A1: No, I do not know how tell her she should pluck without vexing
M: Tell him that you prefer when it's smooth, it is especially cleaner
NRJF: it will not, do not tell her that because she mostly goes believe that now it is dirty
M: m'enfin yeah, it's still better
NRJF: this is not a reason to say it's more hygienic
NRJG: yeah but I am size pubic hair, otherwise it looks like a jungle and it is cleaner
A2: hello everyone, all you have to make an erotic game by blindfolding his girlfriend and taking a lawnmower
M : yes, it's great idea as
NRJF: but you are crazy, she will realize
NRJG: No, I think it's great
A1: yeah but it will hear the noise of the mower, it will not do
NRJF: it will mainly be aware that you cut it something and it can hurt
AF: hello, I'm 22 and I only have the metro ticket, if your girlfriend loves you, she should do it for love of you
M: yeah, c ' it is true, it may well do that for you
A2: I said that full of bitches and they all have shaved for me, I find it cleaner
A3: you saw on RTL9, they move stuff rotten with women full of hair ("Pink Series")
M: yeah it's horrible but hey, it was fashionable in the 80
A2: it is better when no hair is cleaner and more erotic
M: Yeah, I prefer the ticket subway or square, in full. Do you realize, you fall on a super nice girl, you find yourself in bed and there you see she does not epilating, I'm completely block
Conclusion, the auditor would try to tell her girlfriend in a diplomatic way.
This may seem like trivial discussion, but if you look closer, you are entitled to all the cliches and we talk very little of the main interested which perhaps has no desire to pluck the pubic. That's the worst: instead of saying "are you sure she wants to do it," we only advise him full of methods, some are stupid.
Note that the guy says to love her but what would he do for his girlfriend? Stop spending hours on the game console instead of being with her? See less relous his buddies? This is one way most of the time, the guy turns up with his demands (I want you to be blonde, you had big boobs, you t'épiles, whether you are thin) and "in love", the daughter only has to bend. Pinch me, I dream. [...]
28. Women who do not pluck
[...] I shave my underarms since hairs are grown and legs since I was 13-14 years. It has always inflated "duty" to remove my hair, but obviously I did it anyway, for not having comments. For cons, I always did it with a razor, I've never shaved: I refused to have hurt me for "that." The razor had the advantage of being quick and painless.
After a while I started to realize that I had to fight for my "right not to want m'épiler" (18 years). While I was
pretty determined and I left the hair on my legs push (not those of axils), I saw a program with cousins when a woman who had not shaved her legs in disgust provoked a pretender and my cousins thought the guy was right.
There, my resolve wavers ... How to fight against it? What would their reaction when they see my legs?
And the next day we went to the pool, obviously ... I took my razor. I felt really bad (and desperate face this incredible package).
few weeks later, I joined my little sister 13, who has never touched his hair and has never asked about his physical appearance, watching TV. M6, begins a show on hair removal: and now parading dozens of girls who all explain that they do, they are tired of their hair, it's ugly, that boys prefer when c is smooth, which explains the different techniques to remove them ... As usual, it depresses me. And then at the end of the show, I see my sister get up, his face expressionless, and head towards the bathroom without saying anything. And, I know what she will do. Because it is precisely in these conditions where I used a razor myself the first time. Without really knowing why, but it should be, because everybody does it. And actually, I could check later she started to shave my legs.
And here I am saying is not possible. I can not let that happen, I can not let my sister, from the top of his innocence, to be locked in here without understanding why, because the TV said, because she fears the gaze of others.
So I let my hair grow back and most importantly, the air of nothing, I've paraded before her, including during the summer holidays at the beach. As I'm blonde, they do not jump in the eyes (and I have had no comments) but I wanted her to see me as I resisted the pressure from others, I do not m'épilais, and it was not obligated to do either. And I saw that after a while, she stopped shaving his hair when they rejected. Once the end of the summer arrived, they were again long. I was really happy and I hope I was able to remove at least part of that weight that is heavy to wear while he is useless. After
, nothing says it will not remove everything again when she will go swimming with his friends, but hey, I really wanted she knows that it was not obliged, and I was there with her ...
For me, it's important to give the courage to do these things to pass on to those for whom it is more difficult, especially the younger ones who are prevented from asking questions, the timid, the hesitant ... and those for whom there is a model.
Since the start of school, I stopped shaving my armpits too ... What surprised to see me with hair under the arms for the first time in my life! I find them funny, I like. But I have not yet dared to show them, I hide (it's not too hard for now, it's winter). I absolutely have the courage to stay together, but I must admit that the reaction of others makes me really freak, and I think I am not at all ready to show yet ... And it would make me much good, and it would give me great courage, if I was not alone, if someone around me was like me. But I hope that by what I "should" really show them (dresses, spring back ...), I stole determination. (Marie, 19 years) [...]
and finally a bonus u do video Life on the girl about the hair! old and find the topic that I talk about here: The Joys hair removal
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