Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Switching To A Ny Drivers License

Resolutions feminist

Usually I do not really like New Year's resolutions, but this year I found two lists that reconciles me a little with the concept. Hope this inspires you a bit for yours, if you take!

Sister Outsider: A black feminist lesbian Rant
Feminist Resolutions for 2011

Feminist Resolutions for 2011

* Talk loud and defend others and myself and always ask questions
* Read magazines feminist
* educate myself and educate others about the necessity of feminism
* Destroy patriarchy
* Doing things myself Similarly, recycle and buy local
* Be a riot grrrl
* Fight against all oppression
* Participate in awareness collective
* Combating the culture of rape
* Encourage my roller derby league local A team of female hockey ¹ or another team sport female
* Love my body and encourage others to do the same with their
* Boycott, resistance and protest when necessary
* Keep in mind that ethnicity, class, gender and sexuality are interrelated
* Scan my motivations and be proud of my choice
* Volunteering for an organization that fights against violence against women or any other missions feminist
* Name my fears and feelings
* Listen, support and love

¹ J ' I changed the original sport of basketball was a sport more popular here;)
French Version with some modifications: The Furies

Bill's profeminist Blog
Pro-feminist New Year's resolutions for straight guys

Resolutions profeminist the New Year guys hetero

By Bill Patrick

With the new year fast approaching, I thought it might be a good time to consider resolutions that can be taken to ensure hetero guys a fairer world for women and thereby also be closer to an identification Complete with our own humanity. (Some of these resolutions can probably apply to guys who do not identify as heterosexual, but I'm straight, it is the only population to which I feel competent to make these suggestions). So here:

As men straight, I propose that we take the following resolutions:

1. Taking care of ourselves. For too long many of us have neglected our physical, mental and spiritual. And for many of us who have women in our lives we have been too quick to leave these responsibilities their hands. Women often take our appointment with the doctor or dentist, and they insist that we take care of ourselves. And what do we do in response? We quarrel harassing us! Then resume the responsibility to do those things designed to keep us happy and alive. If we want women in our lives are there for us, then we must ensure we do the things that we will be there for them!

2. Assume responsibility for maintaining and preserving our social relationships. Over the years, one of the main differences I noticed between homosexual and heterosexual men, is that many men gays working effectively to maintain and improve their social networks. In return, many hetero guys just do not have such networks. I know very few hetero guys who perform maintenance tasks as simple as social poster postcards on holidays, buying presents for their nephews and nieces, remembering birthdays or arrange dinners or small meetings. Let's not leave our female partners the task of maintaining our other social ties!

3. Listen to women. I mean really be listening to them. Do not interrupt. Do not instantly refute what they say. Do not criticize or laugh at them. Just do listen. Listen to the women as if they were human beings who are capable of rational thought and thoughtful comments. Because that's what they are. And if we remain silent long enough, it may well be that we learn something!

4. Ask women their opinion. What is even better than just listen when women offer an opinion, it's asking! Here, we are certain to learn something!

5. Do laundry correctly. You and I know we know all the way to do laundry. It is time to stop pretending ignorance. And for some guys who do not really know how, you can learn! It is much easier than doing an oil drill a barrel of beer, repair a leaky toilet or plugging this new plasma TV.

6. Eliminate about misogynistic what you say - and what you think. When a woman cuts you off while driving, do not deal with "bitch" - even mentally!

7. Having our own condoms and propose to use our partner before having to ask. There is only get the damn thing. We owe him. And we owe it to ourselves.

8. Refrain from any sexual activity that objective, exploits, hurts or demeans women.

9. Having sex that we know with certainty be consensual. This means that it is neither drunk nor confused or fearful, and we're not either. It was not manipulated or forced. And neither do we.

10. Fully honor all commitments we made in child support - regardless of our degree of resentment or disagreement with the mother. Although we believe that their mother is not a good person, do we really want our children to think the same of us?

11. Resolve any conflict we have a non-violent and non-abusive. This should go without saying. But the reality is that society would be much better if more of us live that way.

12. Tell another man that we love. And to think really. If we do not have at least one other man in our lives that we can say that, then the resolution should be to find one. There are billions of people on this planet. Surely we can all find at least one that deserves our love and affection!

13. Our work to eliminate homophobia. Homophobia destroys our relationship with all other men. It prevents us from loving each other. And we should all be able to love deeply. As men, we deserve to be able to give and receive such love - and not just women.

14. Learn more about feminism. There is still much to learn about feminism. This is one of the most powerful liberation movements of our time. We owe it to ourselves - and women of the world - to learn more about it! Feminism is incredibly diversified. There are good chances that we did not agree with everything that we encounter. But at least we will know enough to respond in an informed manner (rather than reflex) to the various elements of the struggle for women's liberation.

15. Hold at least some of these resolutions. One of the ironies of compiling such a list is that women have in fact much more likely to keep their resolutions that we men. While trying to surprise everyone by taking some of those promises! We owe it to women. We owe it to society. And we owe it to ourselves.

Version French: Martin Dufresne - - Reproduction is permitted and encouraged



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