Saturday, November 13, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Get Std Panel Back?

Copy 100 times: "I will not say bad about reform Woerth ... "


Ten students from a school in Seine-et-Marne were excluded for forty eight hours for having organized the blockade of their establishment in October. And were forced to write an essay on the pension reform Woerth-Sarkozy ...
When it comes to punishing schoolgirls mobilizations, some principals are not in finesse. Ten high school students Galilee Combs-la-Ville (Seine-et-Marne) have been excluded for forty-eight hours of their institution for organizing, Tuesday, Oct. 19, the blockade of their establishment against the pension reform. A sanction without the Disciplinary Board. And who was accompanied by a strange punishment to do at home: a duty on pension reform government version ...
"The Headmaster decided to take the law itself denounces Eric Sueur County Secretary the FSU. It does not say that it is blocking the institutions, but there should be sanctions, they must be transparent and educational. There was not even able to challenge the so-called evidence. "
The blockade of 19 October was accompanied by a few incidents. Particular tag and a trash fire, which spread to part of the school fence. A few days later, ten families have received letters of exclusion. To mount the file to load, the Headmaster was spotted on Facebook students who called the movement and also based on videos and photographs taken by staff of the school.
"This choice is totally arbitrary and unfair! reacts Nicolas, a student at Galileo and departmental head of Fidl. One student was shot just to be mounted on a trash can! "As for excesses, they were the work of young people outside the institution, ensures Nicolas. "The organizers of the blockade, however, called for the dispersal when they saw he was starting to be violence."
arguments that the Headmaster, who met last Saturday a delegation of representatives of the CIPF, the Fidl and teacher unions, refuses to hear. Worse, she insisted they punished students write an essay on the topic of pensions during their two days of exclusion (see above). A questionnaire said Eric Woerth: it implicitly associates - in line with government - life expectancy and declines in retirement age, he asks students to present "specific" reform of 2010, or he invites to lecture on the relationship between youth employment and maintaining the age of retirement ... "This is a punishment-oriented, provocative, sorry Eric Sueur. One way that young people do not understand and to silence any hint of dissent. "
Laurent Mouloud


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