ringtone Rene Mignon Mignon The Mole: click here!
You are likely to be asked what exactly Rene The Mole sang in his tone Mignon Mignon. So I decided to publish the lyrics of the song.
I think Rene Mignon Mignon The Mole will finally be in a video game, Singstar style. The application does not fail, there are plenty of aficionados who would like to sing The Mole Mignon Mignon and it would slowly time to know what The Mole really sings! That
what I like about you is your little Tin
your little love handles I find it too cute
While others in the street you are too fat
For me it's comfortable when you take me in your arms You are so cute
cute but big big big cute cute cute but
big big big
Kinda of Summer and Winter Shadowprey
you m'tiens
hot And when you did you let go of the pumps a big fart!
I like your little bottom and your legs chubby
well when you start eating nothing can stop us
I'm really very very hungry and I want to eat you
And just by thinking about you I begin to salivate
In chocolate, there are many vitamins for healthy
you not stop to eat today and you're proud to have excess calories
You're so cute cute but big big big
cute cute cute but big big big
Kinda of Summer and Winter Shadowprey
you m'tiens
hot And when you did you let go of the pumps a big fart!
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