New via the female prevails , You do not kill a Father Christmas every 2 days 1 / 2 ... , France
"In early November 2010, the cartoon" Ratatouille "is broadcast on TF1. Children are watching TV. Commercial break ... with Crédit Mutuel: A father teaches his son (thirty) that "Santa Claus does not exist". Many parents say they are shocked, a facebook group lobbying against such advertising is created, Crédit Mutuel apologizes and promises not to repeat the same mistake. Since then, Credit Mutuel is changing its advertising, and rights to the existence of Santa Claus are now respected. (whole affair recalled here Rue89)It seems that an advertisement announcing the non-existence of Santa Claus to the children is insupportable violence for parents, psychologists and children;
women would be entitled to the same standard! The Pack against sexist advertising, and many are denounced in his self-advertising always "forget Cantal it can be fatal, funded in part with public money. (The Pack Action HERE to read my previous notes and HERE)
We have no answer. The Auvergne Regional Council and the General Council of the Cantal turn a deaf ear. The Jury of Advertising Ethics (JDP) has refused to register our complaint because he did not see the problem. Yet every day, women are really insulted, beaten by their spouses, for exactly the reasons staged by the advertising. In France, every 2 days 1 / 2, because of domestic violence a woman no longer exists. Fortunately, Santa Claus is there. "
"The bank will stop at nothing in addressing children's dreams and hitting the sensitivity of the youngest of them! "
" Remove this imaginary child, as he announced suddenly, in times of celebration, that Santa Claus does not exist, could be seen as a punishment or a lie. Delete this part of her imagination, it's like to take away part of his childhood. "
and that this violence deserves an apology and withdrawal of advertising immediately without much resistance, while during this time ... French feminists (And worldwide) are still struggling to denounce the trivialization of violence against women and sexism in advertising.
When will such a burst of indignation at the non-recognition of the right to exist with dignity and respect of half of humanity?
Mrs. Claus did she have the right to exist too?

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