The Furies wish you a happy new year dear readers, dear readers !
You wish for tonight because of partying and celebrations abound in the whole year do not suffer these remarks (the list is not exhaustive):
1 - Have you maigi-e/engraissé-e?
pity, it avoids the Fat Talk. As for me ... I WILL NOT KNOW if I gain or lose weight. And I do not care as much as possible. The parties and particularly the new year cause a kind of hysteria about weight and diets. This will soon be a flood of unfulfilled resolutions. Do you avoid this ordeal. As a resolution of no longer take you weigh and pay attention to your health at all. And especially you care what others think / say about your weight.

2 - Do you have a little boyfriend / girlfriend p'tite?
Especially disturbing for people who are not hetero, no doubt. We already talked about this to the couple stress reinforced by family and other pressures. We want the love of family, friends, erotic, whatever. But there is something else that the lil 'boyfriend and girlfriend ptite-the potential in life.
3 - eternal racist jokes, sexist , homophobic, etc..
We understand. I hate the climate of partying when a person leaves a joke really trashy, which starts the funny looks and nobody dares to react because it is the eldest of the family or something like that. Another resolution for 2011? Do not miss the jokes.
4 - "Put the nasty trick of your choice"
I forgot, it's obvious. Please share your examples in the comments! The Furies
wish you a very busy year! Filled with fun, discovery. Es a year surrounded the people of your choice, loving and open minded! And most importantly, a year with a touch of fury).

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