AFP - December 22, 2010
A website accused of being "antiflics" angered police
PARIS - A website accused of being "antiflics", decided to publish pictures of plainclothes policemen, to film to identify them using particular their Facebook pages, causing anger among police unions, which claim a share of interior minister .
The irruption of this site ( ) even more worried that the police remain a "legal limbo" on such actions.
For four days, this site offers users to identify, photograph and film "every undercover cop," all "for that insecurity win their court," it is written. "We will identify one to one such waste," the site promises, that compares with the French police militia, believing in the "worthy of the heyday of Joseph Darnand.
This sparked the ire of police unions.
"Freedom of expression exists, but slander and defamation and any damage to the image of the police force must be condemned with the utmost firmness," responded Douhane Mohammed, head of Synergy-commissioned officers. "It is unacceptable to say that the national police is a militia + + Darnand worthy of Joseph. They endanger the safety of police officers, "he criticizes.
" There are even pictures of colleagues published their names and assignment ", denounced the union Alliance (2nd union peacekeepers) in particular "the diversion of (their) personal pages of the Facebook social network + +".
Alliance, the first sounded the alarm and asked the interior minister Brice Hortefeux to justice. It was relayed Wednesday by Synergy-commissioned officers.
One hypothesis examined in the Ministry of Interior. "We follow very closely on this issue, and it reserves the right to complain in the near time," he told a ministerial source told AFP.
The website is presented as a "collective of independent media organizations" are "considered as a kind? News agency" and denies being anti-cop. "
There are at least pictures of plainclothes policemen, some with their identity, decked comment.
Thus a picture of police officer with his name, his service and providing a legend that his T-shirt is a brand favorite of neo-Nazi International.
This site is based on a concept born United States in the 1980s to fight against police brutality called Copwatch + +, where citizen patrols filming or photographing police actions that are then disseminated on the Internet.
"But in this concept, the images shown are gross, which is not the case with this site," said a police source.
Moreover, some police officers, by their function - such as those belonging to the RAID or DNAT - are protected and disclose their identity "is a criminal offense," assured a source close to the direction of the Paris Police Prefecture.
"To the extent that they publish the identities and photographs of plainclothes police, and they disparage the function, they are prosecuted for defamation and breach of the right of publicity, "he told AFP counsel Anne-Laure Compoint.
But the fact to broadcast pictures of police officers on the street "is not wrong," she adds, saying that there is "legal limbo" on the issue.
Site "anti-cops "Hortefeux gets involved
Minister follows the police unions want to complain and cons
Accused of being "antiflics", this website had angered the police earlier in the week. Thursday, Hortefeux announced it would file a complaint against paris.indymedia.
This "site whose authors have deliberately chosen to publish photographs of plainclothes police, filming them and identify them" is "unacceptable and irresponsible," blasted the interior minister during a visit to Grenoble. "The statements made on this site is offensive and outrageous, and it was not about to let go," he added. The Department
said the complaint could be held next week.
Hortefeux in the footsteps of Alliance
Alliance is the second union peacekeepers, who had shed light on this site yet little known and little consulted in a statement on Monday. Photossupporting paris.indymedia offers Internet Parisian identify undercover officers in the demonstrations to stop the violence like those that marred his view, the demonstrations against the pension reform last autumn. "Now we photograph and film every undercover cop that as we release our comrades are doing in other cities (...) for that insecurity win their camp," says the site. He takes particular the slogan "They are dangerous, put them in danger" of the U.S. database Copwatch that, in recent years has been dedicated to identifying police misconduct.
"Beyond the graphics for the less explicit, the words on the website are insulting to the police and may endanger their safety and that of their families, "also criticized the secretary general of another union, Unity GSP Police. His letter to Brice Hortefeux, dated December 20, was released Thursday in the press.
Indy Paris
Copwatch: we will film and identify the Parisian cops one by one (photos)

For far too long, the Paris police was able to show what she was capable of. Between gratuitous violence, provocations and insults, the police, who plays with people's nerves is the same that eventually will whine with alliance, UNSA and other SGP-FO court of Bobigny ripoux support his colleagues. This
police to destroy the all-powerful social movements use methods that all media-political world refuses to denounce. These methods, we will show starting today.
Worthy of the greatest moments of Joseph Darnand, French police returned to its darkest hours she never left. By including a plainclothes police increasingly important in the processions, the national police believed to hold the weapon absolut order to destabilize any form of dissent.
Now we photograph and film every undercover cop that as we release our comrades are doing in other cities. We will show those looks of hatred and we will identify them one by one
So that everyone can recognize them during demonstrations or street and insecurity win their camps, regularly broadcasts will be made. We will all play rec

style "thug" without cuff, though invisible to mouth trashed

the same mouth cuff with visible

jean claude Vandamme

love with his Gas

louis vuitton and hippie

fashion trend

I ask

The inspiration comes from countries where class struggle is a culture
http: / /
Indy Paris
Copwatch: Press in Paris and Lille in response
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
a pressure cooker, when it EXPLODES, YOU CAN NOT REPLACE THE CAP. Article-copwatching-alliance-whimpers-63458759.html

CALAIS, June 2009 No Border camp: The police officer Rene Martinache (LAC Arras) wears a T shirt Tor Steinar, favorite brand of neo Nazism International

PARIS, Fall 2010, movement on pensions, a plainclothes police officer searches a protester

LILLE, Mars 2006, CPE, a protester is clubbed by police officers plainclothes

PARIS, Fall 2010, movement on pensions, arrest protesters

PARIS, Fall 2010, movement on pensions, waiting undercover plainclothes officers in the procession

LILLE, March 2006, filing live
Finally, yes finally alliance is mounted to the plate. It does not surprise us more. Alliance National Police, the union of hard right. Alliance, the same union that three weeks ago were the first to show support for police ripoux sentenced to the prison by the High Court of Bobigny.
Alliance spends his time denounce juvenile thugs, lack of means of police officers, the increase in suicides, depression, blah .........
Alliance also enjoys transforming reality. For example, a blow that kills taser becomes a heart defect. A shooting rubber bullets that sprayed the eye turns into an infection of the eye. A pressure point on the chest killing someone turns into pulmonary edema. Brief
Alliance National Police is like in Bewitched. The Secretary General Jean Claude Delage turns into Samantha Stevens, he wiggles his little nose and hop on television describing the wonderful world of the national police. It is worthy of the biggest Hollywood blockbusters.
Reminder for alliance. The national police must be exemplary and every police officer must respect the way the strictest code of ethics. Here
referral number 2005-29 for photographs
Notice recommendations of the National Commission of Ethics following the referral March 23, 2005 by Marie Christine Blandin, Senator North
It seems appropriate that he be reminded intervention force including Crs they must consider as normal the attention of citizens can bring to their mode of action, the fact that the police or crs to be photographed or filmed during their intervention, can not constitute any hindrance for Police concerned about the respect of ethical rules
journalists and individuals have the right to photograph and broadcast pictures of the police if they do not infringe the freedom of the individual or the confidentiality of the instruction. These same forces of order can not oppose the registration of images or confiscate devices used in this recording. The only exceptions are the police assigned to intervention services (Raid, GIGN, GIPN BIS security of the President ...) in anti-terrorism or espionage-cons, by virtue of Order 27 June 2008
On facebook and other catch is the free service is nothing to say

BAC LILLE: Frederic Sergeant Chief NOTTE, central

LAC 77 Seine et Marne Frederic Pinel
Alliance would therefore create a unit to track copwatchers. Well the copwatchers to find this unit spotters. Alliance Police Nationale soon require the creation of a specialized unit to see who has been urinating on the glasses of public toilets.
We wish to clarify some basic work on the national police. Historically the police hierarchy has done everything to show a good image of itself. We want to show his true face, one that the press, deliberately, never shows. Yes
National Police is worthy of a militia that of Joseph Darnand alliance and turns increasingly to the AMP Fund (union of the extreme right of the national police). When the
they beat up the students at once flashball.
When PAF expresses the worst insults to illegal immigrants in Calais or as Roissy. When the LAC
mug demonstrators randomly for partitioning in a hall to enter.
When civilians throwing cans to encourage the protesters to do the same and after challenge to make the figure. When the National Police
openly expresses his racism and hatred abroad as with a named Michel Biguet.
When a minister is racist and support police officers who committed acts of deliberate violence
When the beat up riot units a young stroke Clichy butts flashball as did the so-called David Lagraulet. When police
Lille broadcasts the names of 26 activists in custody in anarchist splinter neo Nazis Vlaams camera and then assaulted a girl with a knife;
Finally when the police kill.
We can not let this kind of behavior. We do this to denounce all forms of police abuse and assist all victims of such violence by visual evidence
We still say we do not take account of the famous phrase "I'm just doing my job I obey my superiors. " It's too easy and too loose. When you're cops, you choose to be a cop, cop and you act in so you have to take that choice. We do not see a policeman as a human but as an individual to protect the interests of the bourgeoisie. In each article posted, we were soft and did show a small part of what we have. Yes, we know every police identified the simple to the ADS and DDSP.
Now the dumbest thing it is to threaten indymedia indymedia Paris and Lille. Do not forget that at any moment we can be radicalized and articles much harder in the dissemination of documents. There is enough and it would please many in the press given the veracity of the evidence. We've never done a show or other propaganda, but have always acted. We perfectly know your methods and techniques, your units and your military alphabet, your grades and your vices and we will continue our outreach work and identification as if Alliance had never existed.
be so afraid of cameras and cameras face plastic bullets, and LBD cougar .... But where is the problem?? What
1000 Indymedia Indymedia Paris and Lille born May 1000 to create copwatchers
and some few Parisian Lille
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